How to Control Your Finances?
Susan Kelly Updated on Sep 15, 2022

When you are overwhelmed with debt, or the amount you are earning is low according to your lifestyle, or you are looking for a house, or a car, you want to invest, and you do not have enough money to build these dreams. Then you need to develop a financial strategy so that you can live your life in the best way and build your dreams even on a low income.

Here are some tips to help you build your financial strategy.

Books can help you to control your finances

If you want to control your finances but don’t know where to start, the best advice is to start from books. Books can help you a lot in this. Look for books in which experts have expressed their views on managing finance. Many books in the market can help you to get out of your debt circle, build a great investment portfolio and raise funds for your car, home or investment. Books can play a key role in changing your approach and making you successful.

You can buy second-hand copies of these books, or you can search for them online to maximize your savings. You can also borrow them from your local library for a while. If you prefer listening to advice, you can choose the audiobooks.

Monthly bills and variable expenses

One of the best ways to manage your finances is to reduce your monthly bills and variable expenses. This will help you to make a lot of savings monthly.

We recognize that you have to pay for fixed expenses, such as house rent or car installment, and you cannot compromise on your fixed expenses, but there are some expenses that you can easily reduce. For example, if you want to reduce your electricity bill, choose an electricity provider that will provide you electricity at less than your current rates. Also, choose grocery stores where you can easily get discounts. You can also meet your financial needs by making small changes in your lifestyle.

Disconnect your cable connection / downgrade your package

If you want to quickly increase your savings, and get your finances under control, you need to disconnect your cable. It can save you hundreds of dollars a month and help you to manage your finances better.

It doesn’t mean ending your entertainment life. You can opt for low-cost services like Netflix and Amazon Premier, which can give you a lot more entertainment for less money, and you can create your means of entertainment for a few dollars instead of paying hundreds of dollars.

If you still don’t want to disconnect your cable after seeing all the streaming options and want to keep up with it, then you should downgrade your cable package. Downgrading the cable package can also help you to save some money.

Cook your food at home

One of the best ways to manage your finances is to stop eating out and start cooking at home. It will help both your health and your finances. Use your home-cooked food for lunch as you do in your office. That way you can save a lot of money.

Always start with less. First, start cooking just a little for the house. Then, next week, start making food that you can use for lunch in your office. You can’t even begin to imagine how helpful it can be to your finances. It can help you save at least 1300 USD a year.

Create a menu

If you decided that, you would cook at home and then create your monthly menu. The benefit of a monthly menu is that you can plan your meals and what foods you want to make on which day. It is much better than thinking about cooking daily. It will also save you time and increase your savings. It is also best for your health as you buy fresh ingredients.

Don’t borrow too much amount

One mistake that can fail your financial strategy is borrowing too much amount. The riskiest loan you can get is a high-interest credit card. You have to change the picture of your finances, and change your debt habits, so pay off your debts as soon as possible.

The best way to do this is to list all your debts

How much do you owe on a credit card?

How much do you owe on a home loan?

How much do you owe a car loan?

How much do you owe on a student loan?

First of all, choose the amount that is the lowest. Start paying off this debt first, then review your fixed expenses and set aside an amount to pay off your debts.

Minimize or eliminate credit

Minimize or eliminate credit card use as it can be one of the most dangerous ways to control your finances. Try to set your budget so that you use credit cards sparingly or not at all. Transfer to the debit card instead of the credit card. Open a Short Term Savings Account and pay your fixed expenses from here. Try to keep your credit cards at home so that you do not take them out of your pocket or swap them. It will help you a lot in controlling your budget.

Controlling your student loan

Controlling your student loan can be a great way to control your finances. It can save you hundreds of dollars. If you pay off your half student loan every two weeks, you should repay it every year with a full extra payment instead of two weeks. When you repay a student loan, your lender may also lower your interest rate.


The best way to increase your wealth is to save your money for the future. The best way of saving is to choose an interest-bearing savings account and deposit some money in it every week. It may be money you have earned by compromising on your groceries or clothing. Don’t pay attention to how little you save, it will increase over time, and over time it will start to give you profit.

A Certified Financial Planner or a Certified Financial Firm can help you to make a good strategy for your finances and give you a plan based on your income. Controlling your finances can go a long way in improving your quality of life.

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